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Signing Up⚓︎

  1. Open the Apogee Playground app
  2. Tap on the "Sign Up" button
  3. Enter your real full name, display name, email, password, PIN. Please see the Password Requirements and the PIN Requirements for more information. After you have filled all fields, tap the "Next" button on the bottom-right corner to continue
  4. Tap on the pink area. You can either choose a profile picture from your gallery, or take a new one. After editing your profile picture, tap the "Next" button to continue

Password Requirements⚓︎


Your password is very important, PLEASE DO NOT FORGET YOUR PASSWORD

In order to increase your account's security, you password must have:

  • At least 1 lowercase letter (a-z)
  • At least 1 UPPERCASE letter (A-Z)
  • At least 1 number (0-9)
  • At least 1 special character (!#$%.)
  • At least 8 characters in total

PIN Requirements⚓︎


Your PIN is also very important, PLEASE DO NOT FORGET YOUR PIN

You will be using your PIN to deactivate PIN Prompt, and to use LORICE in Silent Mode.

In order to increase your safety, your PIN must:

  • Be composed of numbers
  • Be between 4 to 8 digits long
  • NOT be symmetrical (not 1221, 12321, 8998 etc...). Learn more about Silent Mode